Our bedroom is the catch-all place. I think it's the room that I know nobody will just waltz in unless invited, so I don't worry as much. And, I'm totally ok with that, but our bed was looking ridiculous. We are grown adults, and we needed an "adult" bed. Since my two strongest characteristics seem to be cheap and stubborn, I decided that we should make it ourselves. So, I did what I always do when I want to take on something new--I read and read and read. Mostly blogs with lots of pictures (thank you, bloggers!!). The next step was convincing Bryan. Thankfully, he's usually on board when it involves saving money, and after seeing the steps online, we decided to try it, and we LOVE our results! First, Bryan did the preparation steps--cut a piece of plywood to fit the wall space in our room (ours couldn't be too high because we like to rearrange the furnitre, and we have eaves in our bedroom) and sand the edges just a bit. We happened t...
Stay right here, 'cause these are the good old days.