I feel, oftentimes, that we live in such uncertainty.
There are so many things in flux...jobs, children, homes, income, health, the economy...and the list goes on.
Sometimes when I feel the lack of certainty with such intensity, I go into what a friend dubs, "paralysis by over-analysis" mode and I have a hard time moving forward with anything at all.
This weekend, I have been thankful for so many certainties. Family. Friends. Love. Home. Happy.
My little, fascinated by every new thing we do. |
Fresh air and screens in windows; welcoming in a new season of growth and beauty. |
Quiet, focused time with my two favorite boys (one behind the camera). |
Independence coming so quickly..."Do it 'self mommy." |
Happiness and lovely. |
Creating something beautiful and delicious for others--fully homemade chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes... |
and Iced Lemon Poppy Seed scones. |
And an early visit from the Easter Bunny, who brought mostly games and just a VERY small bit of candy:) |
After the day-to-day uncertainties, I am so grateful for the peaceful reminders of things I never question.
Looking forward to Easter Sunday and the joy the Lord's resurrection brings!
I loved reading this ... I feel the same way on occasion. Isn't it great that we have those little people to bring us back to the certainty that love is all around and it's the most important thing? Hope you all have a wonderful weekend ... bask in the joy :)